• The application form for an education allowance is now closed, the participation funds have been awarded
  • Application for an education allowance - application rules -

  • Please, read carefully before filling in the form.

    Allowance application rules   
    The attendance allowance application is intended for CRITICAL ISSUES 2025 exclusively.
    Paperwork (visa, leave of absence, COVID-19, etc.) remains the responsibility of the applicant.
    Once accepted, the education allowance cannot be transferred by the candidate to anybody else.
    If the beneficiary is unable to attend the event for any reason, he/she must officially inform Europa Group as soon as possible. This will allow for a reallocation of the fund, and afford another beneficiary the opportunity to participate. Unnotified absences for any reason, including force majeure or illness, will need to be explained - and will lead to ineligibility for future funding programmes.
    No reimbursement will be made directly to the participants, except for specific services (e.g.: transfers).

    Allowance includes:
    • registration to CRITICAL ISSUES 2025
    • In some cases, the fund may include accommodation (for one night or more) in a pre-selected hotel in a single occupancy room, with breakfast included.
    • In some cases, the funding may include transportation, via the provision of a transportation voucher to be used exclusively on our online platform. 
    In case of selection, the detailed content of the attendance allowance will be specified in the notification.

    Application process
    Application can only be made via the form below and incomplete applications will not be considered.
    Applications will be accepted until all the educational grants have been allocated.
    Only one application per person will be accepted.
    The selection of beneficiairies will be made on the basis of the eligibility criteria issued by our partners (see paragraph "Eligibility" hereafter) and according to the date of application.
    The answer will be sent by email at the end of the selection process.

    Eligibility criteria may differ between partners and include profession, experience, speciality, city, institution, etc.
    allowances are limited, and we may not be able to respond positively to all applications. We highly recommend that you apply as soon as possible, as some grants may be fully allocated before the closing date of the call for applications.
    The applicant is also responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the application form. These will be used for declaration to official bodies.
    If you are already registered for the congress, you cannot benefit from an attendance allowance.

    National laws and restrictions
    Selection and invitation will comply with any national laws and restrictions affecting the beneficiary or the partner in force at the time of the process.
    As a result and depending on the applicant’s nationality or country of practice, the allocation of the educational grant may be subject to various measures such as :
    • Prior authorization : additional steps and time to be foreseen before confirmation
    • Reduction of the contribution 

    Confirmation and booking process
    Selected candidates will receive a personal notification by email inviting them to log in to our platform “MyInvite” and officially accept the attendance allowance.
    Details of the services covered by the attendance allowance will be specified.
    As the expenses are prepaid, registration to the event and booking of accommodation and travel if included are exclusively handled on the “MyInvite” platform. The beneficiary may, if he/she wishes, opt for services of a higher value than that provided by the participation fund, and pay the extra amount personally online.
    No refund will be given for bookings made outside our “MyInvite” platform.

    Privacy Policy
    All fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory and the data we collect in order to follow up your application requests are processed according to our Privacy Policy.
    Some data (such as name, professional address, email address, phone number, professional identifier, etc) may also be transferred to the partner providing the educational grant in order to fulfil its legal obligations (hospitality agreements, prior authorization or declaration, transparency declaration).
    Don't hesitate to have a look at our Privacy policy.
  • I have read all the application rules mentioned and I agree with them.

  • By filling in this form, I acknowledge and accept the Privacy policy.

  • Texte

    +33 5 17 02 29 65
    +33 5 17 02 29 82
    Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 06:00 p.m.
    GMT+1 (winter) GMT+2 (summer)

    © 2025 Europa Group - Legals - CNIL N° 1163373